What Ephesians Says about Your Depression
The book of Ephesians provides a great foundation for a counseling plan with someone presenting depression in the counseling room.
How and Why Did God Create Us?
New City Catechism Q4: “God created us male and female in his own image to know him, love him, live with him, and glorify him. And it is right that…
How Many Persons Are There in God?
This post is regarding Question 3 of the New City Catechism. Question: How Many Persons Are There in God? Answer: There are three persons in the one true and living…
Pride Will Kill You – 10 Practical Ways to Kill it First
Pride says to God, “I’m more important than you.” Pride would have its own way, rather than the Lord’s. God alone is worthy to receive honor, glory, and praise. But…
Why Are We Passionate About Missions?
I hope to see a day when I’ll be in another culture, preaching the gospel of Christ. I am currently a student at a missions-training university in Minnesota, where I…
10 Tips to Write Better Than You Ever Have Before
Writing blog posts is fun and rewarding. Knowing how to make your blog post amazing and appealing should get you excited about writing. I recently read Ann Handley’s book Everybody Writes,…