9 Prayers Before Surgery with Biblical Explanations
As we approach the critical moments of life—like surgery—we often feel a mixture of anxiety and hope. We’re placing our trust in the hands of skilled doctors, but more importantly,…
Reconsidering Political Engagement in the Local Church: A Biblical Framework for Faithful Action
In the Bible, God has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). God’s word is sufficient, and that sufficiency includes teaching us how to…
The Sufficiency of Scripture: Definition, Scope, & Importance
It is a blessing that we have in our hands and at our fingertips, the complete and powerful word of the One who created us, saved us, and sustains our…
The Biblical Case for Biblical Counseling: Exposition of Romans 15:14
In this article, we examine the discipline of godly counsel by expositing Romans 15:14-16. I call counseling a discipline because, like all spiritual disciplines, the Bible commands us to regularly…
A Biblical Philosophy of Counseling: Why and How Christians Counsel
Counseling is the act of instructing and guiding someone through the problems, pains, and sins in their life. While many consider counseling to be necessarily done by “professional” counselors, God…
The Eternal Subordination of the Son: Definition, Biblical & Historical Arguments
The topic of the eternal subordination of the Son (ESS) has become a popular discussion among evangelical theologians in the last hundred years. This is an important discussion because it…
How To Grow Your Local Church: 10 Things You Can Do Now
Some obstacles in church growth are hard to overcome. For many, getting a hundred people at their church seems impossible. Other churches can’t get past three hundred. And some churches…
5 Reasons Why Online Church Isn’t Good Enough – And Never Was
Let me show my hand – I really want you to be in a local church on Sunday. I know it’s a controversial topic at the moment, but I think…
Do Calvinists Believe in Miracles? Explanation and Examples
In every movement within Christianity, rumors and false information start to spread. So we have to question some of the possible misinformation before we accept it. That’s why I’m digging…
Theology for Beginners: What Christians Should Believe
Christians love to talk about theology. There is an uncountable number of books, blog posts, and podcasts that are made just for you to learn theology. But they often fail…