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If you read the Old Testament without seeing Christ, you’ve misunderstood the Old Testament.
In this episode, we are joined by Nick Mattei, a seminary student at Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary and cofounder of Defend Truth. Nick has a strong theological mind and a pastoral heart to show the glory of Jesus through all of the Bible.
We unfold biblical principles of hermeneutics to help equip all of us to see the glory of Christ in the Bible.
In an earlier episode, Brooks and Logan Kane discussed Biblical Theology, a related concept. Click here to view that episode.
Recommended Resources:
- The Letter and Spirit of Biblical Interpretation: From the Early Church to Modern Practice by Keith D. Stanglin
- The Messianic Hope: Is the Hebrew Bible Really Messianic? by Michael Rydelnik
- Interpreting Scripture with the Great Tradition: Recovering the Genius of Premodern Exegesis by Craig A. Carter
- Preaching Christ from the Old Testament: A Contemporary Hermeneutical Method by Sidney Greidanus
- The Unfolding by Timothy Brindle
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Many people read genesis to Malachi, as if Jesus isn’t there as if we’re not supposed to read all of the Bible from a Christo centric perspective, as if Jesus isn’t in all of the scriptures right well, today we’re going to talk about that. Welcome to the Brooks podcast, a podcast made for the church posted by a justified center and frequent guests. Please welcome your host Bok subcheck, I am joined by Nima Tay. Now Nick is an amazing guy. If you ever have been in a theological conversation with him, you’ve probably felt like, like you, have so much to learn. Not that he’s a very humble, humble and knowledgeable and kind person he’s engaged to holly gamble who’s, a very godly woman. He Attends Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary, and I think how close are you being done with your emtie? I’ve got two thirds of it done, but the last there is going to take a good two three years now that I am going to be getting married Lord Willing soon and also will be only studying part time so yeah man going to seminary full time and living a normal life, even in or even the seminary programs that advertise that they’re supposed to like go along well with your ministry yeah, they don’t know they never do so. Just work word of warning if you’re. If, if the seminary is telling you like hey, this will go along well with all of the ministry and work you’re doing right now, yeah, it probably is going to be more work than there making it sound like it is, but absolutely not worth it, but it just might take you a little longer yeah yeah, so nick. What are we talking about today? Yeah thanks Brooks, will appreciate. You have me on the podcast here and shot out to my fiance, who is also not only godly but very beautiful, as well. Yeah we’re talking about Christ, exalting Herminus or seeing Christ Jesus from all scriptures, whether that’s the older than New Testament, and you know, Brooks you asked me a couple weeks ago like what are you really passionate about and I was like well, I really even passion out preaching Christ, N Old Testament, seeing Christ and all the scriptures, and you said well, let’s talk about it. That’s why I’m here I have learned a very different perspective, yeah or at least come out it econg out of from two agreeing perspectives, but I have been the last few years looking into Biblical theology lot, because I think there’s like just a wealth of resources being written right now in Biblical theology and Biblical theology you got, we did a episode of the podcast on Biblical theology earlier, if you guys want to go check that out, but really it’s just the idea that it’s looking at theology and coming up with our doctrine based on based on where what the Bible says where it’s at, rather than coming, through systematic categories yeah. What? What way have you been looking at this as you’ve studied it? What’s the right category for what you’re passionate about here, that’s a good question and I would agree with you biblical theologies. Ultimately, what all of this drives to before you get to system AC theology, but before we even get to Biblioth Ology, we have to understand her minutis. So that’s a big fancy term and if you don’t know what that is, Herminius is just basically. The definition is the interpretive method you use when you’re reading the scriptures. How do you interpret the Scriptures that is Herminde, okay, and so we see in our English bibles here something that’s close to her minutis and it’s from Luke, twenty, four twenty seven. So, basically the word that we use for her minutis and the Greek it is Darmans so that Greek word in Luke, twenty four, twenty seven I’ll read it right here in the English Christ. Jesus is saying: ought not Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory, he’s speaking to the disciples in the road to Aeme and in in twenty seven Luke records and beginning at Moses and all the prophets he Germanese or he expounded or interpreted them all the scriptures in the things concerning himself. So this idea of interpreting your explaining, we see it here in the Bible, we are interpreting the Bible, and so that’s what we’re going to tell about today. Luke Twenty four Christ Exalting Hermonides Charles spurgeon once said all roads lead to London and all the verses in the Bible lead to the Cross. That’s right right, and so what we’re learning here is practically how to open up our bibles. Look at every passage, yea and see the glory of Jesus. That’s right! An I that’s right! Yeah, because if you as a Christian, are reading the Scriptures and let’s say you’re in the Old Testament, that’s three fourths of our Bible is Old Testament and if you’re reading the Old Testament, like the Jews, have for thousands of years with a veil over their eyes, they can’t see Christ in the Old Testament and that’s the whole point. The old testant was written to point to Christ and his sufferings in the subsquint glory, and if we don’t see that as Christians were missing out o three fourths of the Bible and that’s a huge issue, I think so so you mentioned her minutis yeah right. There are basic principles to hermanubis basic understanding of Harmonites, of how we interpret the Bible Yeah right there’s. What are some of those rules? How do we do proper Hermonthis? Well, one of the methods I think most people are familiar with is something called the grammatical historical interpretive model, and so what that is, is it’s all. In the name, grammatical historical, you were looking at the scriptures and your understanding them in their basic language like the language they were written in Greek re Hebrew. Looking at clauses, phrases sentences, paragraphs and then you’re looking at the syntax within the scripture there, so that’s the grammatical side and then you’re looking at the historical side of it. You’re. Looking at the author, you looking at the audience that that author is writing to the storical background, the things that were happening in that time frame in the culture to better understand. What is this scripture saying? What is it grammatically saying and what’s the historical context, and that’s great- we have to do that if you don’t have that foundation as you’re reading through the scriptures you’re going to get lost, but the problem in the Modern Day, Evangelical, Protestant West is that we over emphasize the grammatical historical and we don’t also give enough credence to the more spiritual theological or what I like to call typical redenti historical interpretation of the Scripture and that’s the element that flows from the grammatical historical. So once you understand what’s happening in that literal literal Gradgrindian, historical interpretation, you can flow to the spiritual you can float to the deeper meaning, and this is where we find Christ more so in the Old Testament. So you mentioned the typology Al redemptive historical yeah. What is that yeah? So typology is the study of persons, places, events or institutions that have a meaning in the Old Testament, but then find their ultimate eat, meaning in the New Testament. So there’s escalation, so Abraham and his son is a Abraham offering his son Isaac on the altar and then God’s stopping him. That story. There is an example of what God would do with his son on the Cross two thousand years later at Golgatha, okay, but the type is Abraham and his son Isaac and the anti type is the father in the sun. So there is this person place or institution, that’s established in the Old Testament and then in the New Testament. These types find their antitypes or their conclusions or their full fulfillment in what they were trying to convey in the Old Testament. Does that make sense? Yes, just to put just to put that into something that it might be a little easier, the way that God put together the Bible with the grammatical historical method? The the point is that we should understand the Bible and the way that it was received by the people who who received at first right. We should read Galatians and try to understand that. The way that the Galatians would have read you have to yeah would have read the epistle right. What that lacks sometimes is if, when we over emphasize that we actually under emphasize the fact that God has weaved a greater narrative et with many in we’re using terms types and antitypes yeah types are lesser representations right of a greater reality. That’s why, as a good way said, anti types are going to be that actual greater reales, and so there are many types and antitypes in the bibles, a major theme throughout the Old Testament us and the reason that we have such clarity. Now at this point in redemptive history, at this point of an our fulfillment of God’s revelation through the Scriptures as we look to the New Testament and we see the fulfilment and now because of the New Testament, have the truer and deeper understanding of the types. That’s right! That’s what you were mentioning earlier that, like the the cover that over that was over the eyes of Israel, the veil yeah, they can’t see the glory of Christ so that that’s where it’s at is. We need to emphasize more the there’s, a spiritual aspect to harmonides, it’s not just a scientific aspect, that’s right and that we need to actually see the connections throughout the entire Bible and to find that the grand narrative that the Lord has weaved that I so beautifully into into every aspect of scripture, a man ex that’s exactly what I’m trying to get at redenti historical, looking at what God has done since the beginning of time to redeem a certain people unto himself through his son Jesus Christ, starting in the garden finishing at the last day and obviously into eternity. So this is something that is not a small deal. It’s the whole point of why God created is to manifest his glory in redeeming sinners, and that starts immediately in Genesis. So if you’re not already thinking in those categories and you’re, not looking for that, you’re missing the whole point of the whole testament. So this is no small issue. I think, is a major major issue that Christians have to understand. I think one thing that people get scared of yeah is they read something like Abraham and Isaac Yeah and you e they’re afraid to say this points to Jesus because there it’s like. I don’t want to take the text to mean something that it didn’t mean right. So what would you say to that? Well, I would say to them that the this kind of goes into what I was going to get. Here’s there’s really four principles that the reformation, many of the reformation reformers excuse me laid down for interpreting scripture in the first answers. Your question, the first principles of the Holy Spirit, is the only infallible interpreter of the scriptures and we say that because the Holy Spirit is obviously the author of Scriptures, and so the Holy Spirit is the one that was moving Moses, inspiring Moses to write the account of Abraham and Isaac, and so if Abraham and Isaac are being portrayed as a type employing to Christ- and we can see that through the flow of scriptures and through the other text that give us light upon that text, then we have not only warrant to say that that is the deeper meaning of the story they Ramonisa AC. But we have to say it because the author of scripture, the Holy Spirit, is intending us to see the glory of Christ. We see this in the New Testament that the Holy Spirit is talked about as the one that’s always going to glorify me says Jesus. He is the helper. He is the paraclet. He is the comforter that will glorify me and if he is the author of scripture, which we believe is evangelical Christians every bit of scripture, no matter what it is, no matter. What story is crisis h shining through there? So I don’t know if that answered your question perfectly, but that first principle is holy spirits. The only infallible interpret of Scripture and he’s the author of scripture so yeah, and I think that comes down to a few main points of application. Yeah right number one. The Holy Spirit is, is truth, yeah right, and so what he’s said in the Bible is truth. He didn’t intend to be confusing. No He’s the plainest writer and all in all of history. That’s right right, but the Christians have the holy spirit and dwellings right an so. There is that we are supposed to have help understanding the scriptures from the Holy Spirit. That’s right! If you want to interpret the Bible under the power and help of the Holy Spirit, it could be as simple as asking God before you sit down and read, help me illuminate these Tex Tome. That’s right! You know remove the idols in my heart and and the veil from my eyes that I that I can see your truth clearly, as I open up your word and understand what you’ve spoken, but it’s like reading a book with the author right there with you to explain every page yeah has a good. That’s a good illustration! Absolutely yeah! No, I agree with you if you, this is why, as people that are not Christian people are not born again and do not have the holy serit in them, it’s going to be ultimately impossible for them to understand the Bible, because it’s spiritually discerned, and so as Christians as we have the Holy Spirit, like you said, Brooks. Not only should we we have to pray before we read the Bible, otherwise we’re presuming upon the fact that we can just figure this out on round now we need the holy spirits help, and so that first principle is the Holy Spirit. Is the only infallible interpret of scripture? The second principle is: This is called the analogy of Scriptures. Are The ANALOGIA SCRIPTURA? So that’s a fancy word for scripture comparing scripture to itself. So if you run into a scripture that is confusing, as many of us do as Peter it says of Paul some of the things he writes are hard to understand. So, yes, there are some things that are hard to understand in scripture, but one of the rules that the reformers brought to play, which is very good in the scripture, says itself, is that when you’re reading, through the scriptures and you’re coming to a spot, that is difficult to understand, go to another part of scripture that talks about the same topic and it speaks it more clearly so yeah you’re reading through the Old Testament of the new attestant and you find some scripture that is confusing to you. But yet you know I know the same topic is spoken about in Matthew, or I know this. Certain topic is spoken about more clearly in Ephesians. You go there and you read and you let that scripture trying to light on the harder scriptures to understand this is just comparing scripture with scripture, and so this is something that we must do as we’re reading the scriptures. We don’t just simply build our doctrines on one or two words: We take the whole witness of scripture. We compile the scriptures that speak about the same topic and then we compare them with one another and we see that they agree. There’s not different meanings. There is just one meaning there’s one meeting because there’s one author behind it- and so the second principal, like I said, would be the analogy of Scriptures. Comparing scripture with scripture at the heart of the analogy of scripture is that scripture is its own interpreter yeah, and this comes from understanding that the Holy Spirit is the author of scripture. I guess so. We learn best about scripture from the Holy Spirit and scriptures written by the Holy Spirit. So we can learn best about scripture, has right through scripture that so that that’s really the heart of the analogy of script. Of the analogy of scripture of the fancy Latin term is analogia. Scriptur I’ve pronounced the Latin and I’m sure I maybe have butchered some of it. So that’s fine, but the third one. The third principle is the analogy of faith. So this is the analogue Analogia DA. The analogy of faith is this so just as scripture as you read, it need to be compared to to one scripture to the other, so there’s no confusion. The analogy of faith is this is that there is one solid body of doctrine that the scripture lays out for us, that is to be our guard rails as we interpret the Scriptures so that we do not go off in the heresy. It’s basically the cardinal true is Christianity. What you could basically say: It’s the apostles creed, I believe in God the Father Almighty maker of Heaven and Earth, and it has only begotten Son Jesus Christ. Our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit born of the Virgin Mary suffered under Ponchos Pilot, was crucified. died was buried. He descended to the grave on the third day he rose again and he ascended into heaven, and he sits at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty from whence he shall come to judge the living in the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the rocommended saints, the forgiveness of Sins, the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting, so that very essential statement on the Christian faith which comes forth in the scriptures is to be our guide as we interpret scripture. If you are reading the Scriptures- and you think they are saying something that contradicts the main cardinal thrust of all, what the scripture is teaching which was just laid out there in the apostles creed, then that’s a good indication, you’re going off you’re wrong, and so the idea is. This is a guard rail to help us and interpretive task right that the heart of that is that the Bible is very clear about some about certain. Yes, Yep and Christians absolutely have to have strength of conviction when it comes to our primary doctrines. When it comes to the foundation of Orthodoxy, that’s been laid for the last two thousand years right, and so we get from the apostles creed. From from the faith, that’s been once for all handed down to the saints exactly one of the rules that I have when editing. Some of the things that students have written is that, if something seems to make God lesser than infinitely holy infinitely sovereign infinitely, loving, we’ve missed the Mark Right, because theology can help us good theology can be a guide. I can be a guard rail, as you said, and in the same thing, in the scriptures, when we have strength of conviction about the sovereignty of God that helps us as we move into passages where we need to deeply understand the sovereignty of God is right, which is why it’s important to study the Bible, holistic ally as R to understand the grand narrative of scripture and to read all of scripture. Yes and read. Scripture systematically, read it throughout the year, read the whole Bible again and again and again and again you’re getting the context. That’s really good, Brooks Yeah. I I’d say that is the third element and then t e. The fourth, which is what we’re really going to camp on for a little bit here, is the scope of scripture, and that is the fourth element that the reformer is brought out and what that is is basically is that there is a scope of scripture. There is a center of Scripture and what is that center? It is Jesus Christ and him crucified, so the scope, the center, the target of the scriptures, are all about Jesus, his sufferings in his glory. This is a quote for my professor doctor, Richard Barcellos, in our Hermanus class. He said this. The Post reformation reformed orthodox theologians embraced a whole Bible Harmond. This manifested itself in the understanding of the scope of scripture. The Scopus could refer to the immediate picotee. It also has a wider redemptive. Historical Focus. SCOPE is, in the latter sense referred to the centre or a target of the entirety of canonical revelation or that to which the entire Bible points, and I love that phrase of the target, because if you look at it a visual way, let’s say the scriptures are laid out in a circle and you’re reading around the circumference of the scriptures. You should at any time be able to take wherever you’re at in that circle and make a B line to the target and apply it to Christ and to see Christ in it, because Christ is at the center of that circle and as I as someone who’s preached and prepared sermons, as I’m studying attest, I’m realizing. Okay. Where am I on that circle? And how can I get to the center? How can I be line it to get to the center and to show the glories of Christ here and that’s why scope of scripture is so important, because, if you’re not seeing Christ, if Christ is not coming out in the ultimate exegesis of your text and the preaching or whatever else, your study you’re missing the whole point. So that’s. Why that element has to be there in our interpreting of scripture? I really like that analogy. YEA The of moving around the the circumference of a circle and pointing to the pointing to the center kind of goes back to the the quote from Charles Virgin. That mentioned earlier, yeah there’s just one other quote: I’d like to read is from Richard Gaffin, and so maybe this is I’m tryng to give multiple quotes here to help people understand what exactly is being said and so that they can grasp in a better way. So Richard Gaff, in talking about the scope of scripture, says this for Jesus and the New Testament Writers. The Old Testament is one large, prophetic and promissory witness to Christ. I diverse but unified witness that centers in his sufferings and consequent glory. The Old Testament has its overall integrity, its various parts cohere in terms of his death and Resurrection Focus, but negatively. The Old Testament does not have multiple or discordant traditor trajectories of meaning, but only one that is the unidistinguishing to Christ. However obscure and difficult, it may be for us to fall that path at points along the way. I like that, because gaffin admitting here that sometimes it is difficult at certain points of scripture to make that connection to Christ. I’m not denying that at all. But the point is that that the scripture has one direction and that is to Jesus Christ, and so you should be able at any point whether in the minor profits, whether you’re in the psalms, whether you’re in the historical books, the Old Testament, you should be able to make your way to Christ and whatever text you’re in Gaffin, pointing to exactly what Jesus said that we mentioned earlier in Luke, twenty four Yep the beginning with Moses and all the profits that he interpreted Jesus interpreted all of the things concerning himself and all of the Scriptures and who so he opened up all of the Scriptures and interpreted them to himself yeah and what people have to understand too. Is that phrase there which I’m sorry I’m going to read this right now, actually so looked a little farther down at Luke twenty four forty four Jesus continues to talk to these disciples and upbraids them right. He says how you know: You’ve not believe all of the law of in Prophets of spoke me. He says these are the words which I spoke to you. While I was still with you that all the things must be fulfilled, which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets, and the psalms concerning me and that three full division there, the law, the prophets and the psalms is just another way of talking about the old Hebrew way of dividing the whole Tessan to them is called the Tinah. It was the Torah, the Nevai, the Katadin, and what those means is the Terras, the law, the Neva em, is the prophets and the Ketavah, the writings, sometimes salms, can be used for writings. But point is Jesus is here actually, as it were, calling that calling card of the threefold I ise says all three of those sections, the Tana the whole testament. All three of those are talking about me. So we as Christians, need to look at our Lord Jesus and say he is declaring that the whole Old Testament is about him and then a little later on, Brooks you look at this first, forty six. Then he said to them. Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day, and that word thus in the Greek, is houtos meaning in this way or in this manner. So Jesus says in this way talking about all three sections: the Old Testament it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day. So we saying it is necessary, out of all that is written in the Old Testament, that Christ must suffer and rise from the dead, and so this is the whole theme of the Old Testament Christ suffering in his glory Jesus, as it sell himself case close. Basically, we can go to more TEX, which I plan on, but this you can’t get around this. This is what Jesus read the Scriptures this way. This is what he said they were speaking of and in my opinion, that doesn’t need to really be disputed. But there is more that we can look at here. What we see in the New Testament in Jesus teaching is that when people do not believe in the resurrection of Jesus, when they read the Bible and do not see Jesus, it’s a matter of you, it’s not just you poorly interpret the prophets and Moses. It’s you don’t understand it. You don’t believe so. Jesus says how foolish are you you don’t believe the profits? You know, because you don’t believe that you don’t believe in me if you believe the profits, you believe in me is right. Well, just say this. Really, quick too, is that in John Five Jesus says, if you don’t believe Moses’s words, how you believe mine, because Moses wrote of me so Jesus and a different gospel you’re, not Luke’s Cossel, but John’s Gospel is upbraiding the Jews because they didn’t believe what Moses Trod. Jesus Moses wrote of me: That’s a very powerful statement to speak to these pharisees that were very prideful in the fact that they knew the law. He says you don’t know the law at all, because it points to me and you’re not perceiving me so Jesus again and again, John Five Luke. Twenty four is bringing up the fact that the scriptures are about him. The last place I wanted us to look before we go to some application here is that the apostles the disciples learned and began to see the way that Jesus was interpreting scripture and they, of course, later on, as we seen the new testament found that t to be true, because we have the whole New Testament because of the inspiration of those apostles and a part profits but John to thirteen through twenty two. Now this is when Jesus is cleansing. The temple Jes went up into the temple of Jerusalem and he’s driving out the money. Changers he’s cleansing the temple because they defiled it. So I’m going to read this paragraph or this section of scripture here now the pastor of the Jews was at hand and Jesus went up to Jerusalem and he found in the temple those who sold oxen and sheep and doves and the money changers doing business when he had made a whip of cords. He drove them out of the temple and with the sheep in the OX and and poured out the changers money and or returned the tables, and he said to those who sold doves. Take these things away. Do Not Make my father’s house a house of merchandise. Then his disciples remembered that it was written zeal for Your House has eaten me up I’ll, stop right there really quick. What is happening is the disciples are starting to interpret scriptures, Christos Christocracy that verse zeal for Your House has eat me up comes from salms nine, nine. Now, if you’re, just simply taking it as purely grammatical, historical and you look at it, solms nine, nine, let’s not speak, there’s no mention of Jesus and that, but what they’re seeing is that deeper redemptive historical typology reading of Solm, sixteen and nine that scripture comes up to their mind by the Holy Spirit. Zeal for your houses eat me up, and they said this is what we’re seeing Jesus is fulfilling that scripture. So anyway, it goes on to say so. The Jews answered and said to him. What sign do you show since you do this? These things and Jesus answered and said them destroy this temple in three days. I will raise it up, then. The Jew says Jew said it has taken forty six years to build this temple and you will raise it up in three days, but he was speaking of the Temple of his body. Therefore, when he had risen from the dead here, it is again his disciples remembered that he had said to them. They believed the scripture and the word which Jesus had said and when Jesus rose from the dead, the disciples did not have the New Testament, so the scripture of that being as being referred to is the Old Testament. The disciples believed, as it were, the Old Testament about Jesus, and so they were starting to see as they were with Jesus. This is the way to interpret the Old Testament, so we not only see Jesus interpreting the Old Testament this way, but the disciples and eventually the apostles- and I have a list of scriptures here- we don’t have time to go through, but just simply for the sake of reference for people. Listening at home check out matthew, two thirteen ax to fourteen act. Three, seventeen at nine one through nineteen at Fifteen; First Twelve Act, twenty six ers w twenty two Romans, five fourteen first Peter One, ten through twelve, the apostles are applying the same Hermeneia method that Jesus did seen: Christ in the Old Testament Yeah. If you have read through the New Testament use of the Old Testament- and you thought I don’t know why- they’re using the old testament that way, it seems like it’s kind of it- doesn’t really fit with how you read the Old Testament for a long time. I did that, and I just kind of put it to the side of my mind was: Like God, you know it’s probably just some weird thing: I don’t understand right in reality. It’s not! We just are our method of interpreting. The Old Testament is often very different from how the apostles interpreted the Old Testament yeah, I M A, and I would they were. They were right. You know I’m, so I think it would be wise for us to go into the old and to the New Testament, like you just showed us from John Five and see how the apostles understood the Old Testament yeah if you’re listening. I want you to take two big things away from that whole giant portion number one. Christ is in all scriptures that that’s just to put it very simply: Christ isn’t all scriptures all of them right and number two, it’s important for us to see Christ and all scriptures. If you read the Old Testament and you don’t see Christ, you have misunderstood the old testaments right right right. So now, let’s take that because that now now, where that leaves, you is okay. So I know it’s important. I still kind of confused on how I’m supposed to see Christ there all of scripture. So let’s do a little application here and bring it to bear and reality on us who open up our Bible every day and want to learn from God from all of the Scriptures Right. How do we see Jesus the way that the apostles saw Jesus in the Old Testament good questions? So here’s where the rubber hits the road? My text I preached first sermon ever preached- was Ecclesiastes One and eighteen, and that verse reads this way for in much wisdom is much grief and he that increases knowledge increases sorrow. Now I was determined to preach Christ from this text. You might ask: Well How do you do that? It’s just it’s a proverb. It’s a it’s a just a it’s, a good wise saying where you get Christ from this. So here’s how I did this. I connected this scripture to the New Testament and to Christ by contrasting the characteristics of true wisdom and knowledge and the suffering that they bring with the false and vain worldly wisdom and knowledge, and this the sorrows that they bring. The true wisdom and knowledge and sorrow find the representation the suffering serve in Jesus Christ in him are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Colossians two three says that his ministry portrayed his immense wisdom and knowledge and the great grief and sorrow what he dealt with. All of this ultimately culminated in the cross where the wisdom of God was manifest. E, supremely God solves the problem of fallen humanity to show his righteousness at the present time so that he might be just and the justifier of the one whose faith in Jesus so through double imputation. Christ imputes his perfect races as to us, and our guilt is imputed to him on the Cross and he suffers and dies and thus reconciles us to God. And so the idea is I’m taking that principle and taking little hints there in the text. So the text is talking about wisdom and knowledge and the suffering that much wisdom and knowledge brings okay. So I see in the new test and that Jesus was the wisest most knowledgeable man that ever lived all the Wi treasures of wisdom and Alegar hidden in him says the New Testament, and then we saw the suffering that Jesus went through throughout his life. He was persecuted by the Pharisees and people that did not believe him and he us Bob He’s put to death at the end of his life in the fort by the foreknowledge of God, and then we see in the cross, the wisdom of God solving the problem of sin and so you’re. Seeing here that there is principles within the text. I just read: Ecclesiastes one, a D, eighteen that talk about wisdom, knowledge and the grief that come from true wisdom and knowledge. And then we see that example in Christ’s life, and then we see how Christ work on the Cross solved our problem of sin, and so what you’re doing there is you’re, taking hints you’re, taking little principles from the text and you’re, seeing how Christ filled them out, either in his person who he was Prophet priest or king or in his work, whether the Victor Christ, the Victor Christ, the suffering, lamb or Christ, a man that brings all draws all people to himself. So you can take any angle. You’d, like you go on the Old Testament. You see these principles, you extract the principles from the text and you connect it to different elements of Christ, person and work, and it’s almost infinite. You can’t exhaust the person work of Christ and all that’s been revealed of them in the scriptures, and you can connect that to him because ultimate, like I said or like the Scripture said, all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are found in him. So that was where my mind went after reading ECCLESIASTES on eighteen, so there’s those bridges you can make and there’s many more that could be said, but that application, I think, is an example of how you can take selling obscure like ecclesiastes one D, Eighteen and bring it to Christ and then preach repentance and faith in him. I said to the people: Are you living a worldly vain life right now? Do you have true wisdom and knowledge? Are you suffering because your truism and knowledge come to Christ? He was the true prophet who brought truth to his people. He was the wisest most knowledgeable man on Earth and he was crucified because, God in his fore, knowledge and wisdom wanted to save men and women, like you so come to, Christ believe and have true wisdom and knowledge. Something like that application. You can bring it from any point of scripture yeah, that’s very helpful to have just an example of how we can start to see Jesus yea from ecclesiastes one. If you are reading your Bible personally, there are also really great resources that you have. One of them is the Bible to actually understand it. So if you’re reading, ECCLESIASTES and you’re trying to see how this points to Christ look through the New Testament for how the how ecclesiastes is quoted or used by by people and then now we’re very blessed to be two thousand years after the ascension of Christ, because there is a wealth of Christian writing on ECCLESIASTES, we can go to brothers and sisters who who’ve seen Jesus through ECCLESIASTES to help us understand. So so I know that you have some resources that you want to recommend, go ahead and tell us about them, and I’m going to put a link to these in the show out to the podcast. So if you guys want to check out any of them, if they sound interesting, definitely go do it yeah. So I have five resources here, there’s many more that you could go to, but these are the five that I’ve felt have helped me the most in my studies and have been very well written and they’re. Very easy to read of the first is entitled the letter and spirit of biblical interpretation from the Early Church to modern practice. It’s written by Keith D, stangland he’s a professor, I believe, down in Texas and he basically traces the history of Herminus. It’s so fascinating. It’s a book that goes from patristic or early Christian fathers up to our day and it traces the themes that we’re talking about here, and so that is of course, the first place. I point you to. The second is the Messianic Hope. Is the Hebrew Bible Really Messianic by Michael Riddle ink and he himself is a messianic Jew, so he’s a Jew that was converted to Christ and he writes this masterful work and it’s wonderfully shows the historical element of where a man named Rashi. It was a rabbi back in the eleventh century, began to write against Christians and start developing a herminus system. That only saw the Old Testament in its historical context, no chrystall application, and he explains to us why that affected the Protestant understanding of it as well. So I’d point you there. The third is interpreting scripture with the great tradition recovering the genius of premodern exigea by Craige Carter. Again, all of these books just go into the history of interpreting scripture in it they draw from the wealth of the men that have come before us and it also talks about where we’ve gone wrong in our modern understanding for manute. All of these are very, very good and, of course, for those out there who are aspiring to become preachers or people that just simply love to study, homiletics and preaching. I have the book here preaching Christ from the Old Testament. A contemporary hermeneutical model. Excuse me method and I always say his name, the last name wrong, so Sydney your notis. This is where I have found most help in my preaching the models that he has in here. He also talks about the history of Hermandica and then one of my personal favorites. This is a little bit of an interesting resource and I think this might be the one that people will go to the most, because not only is it a book, it’s also a double album is called the unfolding by Timothy Brindle. He wrote a book on Biblical Theology and Christ Exalting Historical redemptive Hermeneutics, and then he recorded a hip, hop album, he’s basically codified Biblical theology and well written lyrical masterpieces that help you learn Biblioth and learn how to see Chris Ol Testament. The whole point of this book is seeing chrismal testaments. So all these resources are available in line. You can listen to Timothy brindle stuff on SPATII and you can get all these books on Amazon or in kindle very helpful, it’s a lot of material. I know but well worth your read awesome. So thank you so much for joining for joining me on the Brooks podcast. It’s really important that we see Christ from all scriptures, and so I hope that people have listened this far, that they’ve they’ve got the importance of seeing Christ for all scriptures, because that is that is the New Testament way to to understand the Bible right so and if you guys want to check out those resources again, those will be linked below and nick. Maybe we’ll have you back on Lord Willing another time o Yeah I’ve got a bunch of stuff. I love to talk about so awesome and guys, if you enjoy this episode, reviews really help us out wherever you’re listening to the PODCAST, so go ahead and leave a review with your honest thoughts. We still have the Brooks podcast stickers. So if you leave a review, you just go go to the website or, however, you know to get in touch with me, twitter, whatever let me know- and I would love to send you a sticker for free of the book- Brooks podcast just to say thank you for leaving a review and yeah subscribe and be looking out for a new episodes. We got two more coming in the next few weeks, so excited for those to come out and we’ll catch. You guys in the next episode
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